Daily Archives: September 10, 2014

Do Rochester Judges Usually Give Custody To The Mother?

While the laws governing divorce and child custody matters in New York are gender neutral, courts care substantially about protecting the special bond that exists between children and their primary caregiver. Because there are still disparities in workforce participation and earning power, men continue to play the majority of the role of breadwinner, while women […]

What Am I Entitled To If I’ve Been Out Of The Workforce For Many Years And My Spouse Filed For Divorce In Rochester?

If you’ve been out of the workforce for many years of your marriage, there are good odds that you will be entitled to extensive considerations in a Rochester divorce. Maintenance, also known as alimony, will be a primary topic of discussion, and an award of temporary maintenance is likely to be made at the outset. […]

Am I Entitled To Part Of My Spouse’s Pension If We Divorce In Rochester?

In most cases, yes, you’ll be entitled to share in your spouse’s retirement benefits. As a rule of thumb, the longer the marriage, the greater the share of benefits you’ll be awarded. If you and your spouse are already retired and have had a long marriage, you can anticipate receiving a significant portion of your […]

If I File In Rochester On Grounds Of Adultery, Will The Settlement Figure Be Higher?

When you file for divorce on grounds like adultery in Rochester, your final settlement figure is unlikely to be higher, but the costs related to your case almost certainly will be. To prove adultery, you’ll be required to build a legal case against your spouse, which means time and money on the part of your […]

Who Gets The Custody Of Our Family Dog In A Rochester Divorce?

Our pets have an increasingly powerful role in our lives, and even in families with children, they often hold a similar emotional place that the kids do. In divorce, who gets the family dog or cat can be an extremely contentious matter, and one where judges in Rochester have little guidance. In the law, pets […]