Daily Archives: April 29, 2015

The DataMaster Used For Rochester Area DUI’s And How It Works

Many law enforcement agencies in the Rochester area conduct breath tests in DWI cases using a machine called the DataMaster, which is manufactured by National Patent Analytical Systems. While there are a few different versions of the DataMaster currently in use, they all work in essentially the same fashion. A driver suspected of intoxication will […]

Can A Boater In The Rochester, NY Area Be Forced To Take A Blood Alcohol Test To Determine Intoxication?

Operating any watercraft that is propelled by mechanical means while impaired or intoxicated by alcohol is illegal on all the waterways in the Rochester region. A boater accused of operating a vessel while intoxicated in New York State will almost always be asked to take a breath test, and refusing to do so will result […]

What Is The Walk-And-Turn Field Sobriety Test Used In Rochester Area DWI Stops?

The Walk-And-Turn test is one of the more common field sobriety tests used in the Rochester area, and most people are familiar with the concept of a police officer asking someone suspected of drunk driving to “walk a straight line,” which is the basic form of the Walk-And-Turn test. While the Walk-And-Turn test has been […]

Can Extrapolation Be Used As A Defense In A Rochester Area DWI Case?

In some Rochester DWI cases, a lawyer may use the term “extrapolation” when discussing the breath test result. The word extrapolation generally refers to the ability to estimate a value beyond the range of what was measured based on what has been measured. In terms of the breath test, it refers to the ability estimate […]