Author Archives: Friedman & Ranzenhofer

Can I Get In Trouble If My Teenager Refuses To Spend Time With His Dad?

Custodial parents have an important obligation when it comes to encouraging a positive ongoing relationship between kids and their other parent. But when children grow into teenagers, parents are often forced to pick the battles they’re willing to fight. If your teenage child is genuinely resistant to attending visitation with their father, there may be […]

What Happens When I’ve Made Substantial Contributions To My Spouse’s Self-Employment?

It’s an age old question in divorce: How can my contributions to my spouse’s career be calculated and compensated? Whether you worked while your spouse went to school or stayed home to raise kids while your spouse climbed the corporate ladder, developing a fair financial settlement at the end of a marriage is important for […]

Can I Get A Better Deal If I File On Grounds Like Adultery, Or Should I Use No-Fault?

Usually not, and filing on grounds like adultery or inhuman treatment require that you develop sometimes complicated legal cases against your spouse. With New York’s irretrievable breakdown ground, you can have a much simpler, and much less expensive, divorce without the need to prove that your spouse is responsible for the end of the marriage. […]

Can One Parent Have Legal And Physical Custody?

Yes, if the court agrees that only one parent is appropriate to hold both the decision-making role of legal custody and the day-to-day parenting role of physical custody, then one parent can be awarded both. In extreme cases, the second parent may be denied visitation entirely, but usually the court will err on the side […]

Do I Have To Appear In Court In An Uncontested Divorce?

No, you shouldn’t need to appear in court if your divorce is uncontested. In an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse are able to arrive at agreement on the major issues of the action, including child custody and support payments, an equitable distribution of marital assets and debts, spousal support, if applicable, and other issues […]

If We Don’t Agree On Custody And Visitation, Won’t The Judge Make Up A Schedule?

If you and your spouse genuinely cannot come to terms about the living situation, financial support, and other matters related to your children, a trial will have to be held. This process is expensive, emotionally exhausting, and, in most cases, extremely combative. Your children may be assigned an advocate who will represent their interests, while […]

What Is Felony Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated per se In The Rochester Area?

Rochester drivers who are repeatedly arrested for drinking and driving may face a number of serious charges, with the specific charges depending on the circumstances surrounding the arrest. For repeat offenders who are found to have a very high blood alcohol content at the time of arrest, Felony Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated per se is […]

What Are The Penalties In The Rochester Area For Driving A Commercial Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated per se – Level II?

When a Rochester truck driver is arrested for Driving A Commercial Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated per se – Level II, he or she faces a misdemeanor charge. This is a criminal offense and will result in a criminal record if convicted. For a commercial motor vehicle driver with no prior record, the maximum possible jail […]

What Are The Penalties For Felony Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated per se In The Rochester Area?

Felony Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated per se is one of the more serious drinking and driving charges defended by Rochester criminal defense lawyers. It is a class E felony under New York State law, which is a crime and results in a criminal record. A driver convicted of Felony Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated per se […]