Category Archives: DWI-DUI Arrests

What Happens If A Person In The Rochester Area Refuses The Breath Test A Second Time?

When a Rochester driver who is suspected of Driving While Intoxicated refuses to take a breath test to determine his or her blood alcohol content, there are penalties that may be imposed by the Department of Motor Vehicles in addition to any charges brought in criminal court. For a person with no prior drug or […]

What Are The Penalties In The Rochester Area For Driving While Ability Impaired By The Combination Of Alcohol And Drugs As A Class D Felony?

The offense of Driving While Ability Impaired by the Combination of Alcohol and Drugs as a Class D Felony carries severe penalties and requires the help of an experienced Rochester criminal defense lawyer. A driver charged with this offense is faced with the possibility of extensive jail time and extremely high fines. A defendant convicted […]

In The Rochester Area, What Is Driving While Ability Impaired By The Combination Of Alcohol And Drugs As A Class D Felony?

Driving While Ability Impaired by the Combination of Alcohol and Drugs as a Class D Felony is a very serious criminal offense that requires an experienced Rochester DWI defense lawyer. This charge is reserved for repeat offenders who have been caught driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol or both on multiple occasions. For a […]

Can Someone Charged With DWI In The Rochester Area Plead Guilty To A Reduced Charge?

Most drivers in the Rochester area are familiar with the idea of being issued a traffic ticket for a moving violation but being able to plead guilty to a reduced charge once you go to court. For example, in many courts, a driver who is charged with speeding is frequently allowed to plead guilty to […]

How Does A DWI Conviction Impact A Commercial Driver’s License In The Rochester Area?

There are many Rochester workers who rely upon a Commercial Driver’s License to perform their jobs. Unfortunately for such drivers, a conviction for any offense involving drinking and driving or driving under the influence of drugs will, in almost all cases, result in the loss of all driving privileges related to commercial motor vehicles. Most […]

What Are The Penalties In The Rochester Area For Driving While Ability Impaired By Drugs As A Class D Felony?

A Rochester driver charged with Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs as a Class D Felony faces very serious criminal penalties. These include a permanent criminal record, the possibility of extensive jail time, and a very high fine. If convicted of this offense, a driver may be incarcerated in a New York State prison for […]

What Does The Rochester Area Consider As A Class D Felony Driving While Ability Impaired?

A driver who has been arrested multiple times for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs requires the help of an experienced Rochester criminal defense attorney. Repeat offenders usually will face enhanced criminal charges and increased penalties. For a repeat offender accused of driving under the influence of drugs, Driving While Ability Impaired by […]

What Is The Driver Responsibility Assessment In A Rochester Area DWI Case?

Although the fines associated with a drinking and driving conviction are already very high, most Rochester DWI lawyers are aware that over the years, New York State has added several different surcharges and fees that defendants are required to pay. These financial charges are in addition to any “fine” imposed by the Court. The Driver […]

Is Jail Time Following A DWI Arrest In The Rochester Area Ever Mandatory?

A Rochester resident arrested for drinking and driving always faces the possibility of a sentence of incarceration. In most cases, whether a defendant will be sentenced to any time in jail is solely at the discretion of the judge. Under limited circumstances, however, New York State law requires that the defendant either be incarcerated for […]

What Are The Penalties In The Rochester Area For Felony Driving While Ability Impaired By Alcohol And Drugs?

Felony Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol and Drugs is a very serious criminal offense that requires the help of an experienced Rochester criminal defense lawyer. It is a class E felony, which will result in a permanent criminal record and severe penalties if convicted. A driver convicted of Felony Driving While Ability Impaired by […]