Rochester Lawyers / Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers
Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers


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    Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers

    Experienced criminal defense attorneys for children accused of crimes in Rochester, NY

    Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers


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      Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers

      Experienced criminal defense attorneys for children accused of crimes in Rochester, NY

      Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers

      Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers

      Experienced criminal defense attorneys for children accused of crimes in Rochester, NY


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        Mr. Ranzenhofer and his attorneys were great! My case was handled quickly and I got a great result – $300,000. I fell at my doctor’s office, so I knew it was a hard case. Mr. Ranzenhofer developed a strategy that got me a great result. I highly recommend Mr. Ranzenhofer and his team of attorneys.

        – Christine Rush

        Reasonable / Professional / Personable … Very nice man to speak to … He helped me feel safe and took away my fear in my legal situation. If or when needed he is ready to jump in and take over. Thank you, Carol

        – Carol Czosnyka

        We were treated in a respectful, professional and helpful manner while preparing our wills, healthcare proxies and power of attorney. Mr. Friedman took as much time as we needed to answer all of our questions and concerns. His staff was friendly and efficient. We highly recommend him.

        – John

        Highly recommended…Sam handled a case for me with a buffalo tow truck Company, we won our case and a judgment. Sam was highly professional knowledgeable and effective. He knows the local laws and how to get successful outcomes!

        – Mark

        I consulted with Justin Friedman in an effort to obtain reimbursement following damage to my personal property. Justin was diligent, tenacious, professional, and clearly dedicated to assisting me, all of which led to a very positive outcome. I was very impressed with his work and I highly recommend his office.

        – Lisa Kilanowski

        Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers | Defense Attorneys for ChildrenAs a parent, when you receive a call from the police about your son or daughter getting in trouble it is never easy. Perhaps this was the first time, or maybe this has been a repeated behavior. Regardless, your child will need an experienced and skilled Rochester juvenile defense attorney. We have special insight into the types of issues that judges look for as they develop an understanding of your child’s case. At Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC our Rochester juvenile crime lawyers are very experienced in defending juveniles as well.

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        Experienced Rochester Juvenile Crime Lawyers Providing Defense In All Courts

        If your child is considered a “Juvenile Delinquent,” then their act will be considered a “delinquent act,” rather than a crime. Juvenile crimes are handled completely different than adult prosecutions; even the terminology is different. Usually, juvenile crimes are handled in Family Court with no jury and just a Family Court judge. The charges your son and daughter are facing should be taken very seriously. These charges can have a very damaging impact down the road, even if your child is not convicted of the crime, when they go to apply to college, scholarships or jobs. The biggest risk for your child is being sentenced to a juvenile detention center. Your family should retain our experienced Rochester juvenile crime lawyers before your child’s initial appearance in Family Court.

        Steps involved in a juvenile criminal case:

        The initial appearance is the equivalent of an arraignment in adult court. When you get to the initial appearance the judge will decide to either detain the child or keep them in your custody. The severity of the charges and prior record of the child will be the determining factors for the judge.
        Once you’re done with the Initial Appearance, your attorneys will engage in a Fact Finding Disposition. Our attorneys examine the particulars of the case and the charges, develop our own narrative, mitigating circumstances, and exculpatory evidence, and meet with prosecutors in an effort to avoid a trial altogether. If this process is productive, the case may end here with only minor repercussions. If we are unable to agree to terms with the prosecution, a Disposition Hearing will be scheduled.
        At the Disposition Hearing, both sides will present their cases, including witness testimony, evidence exhibits, and other elements of a criminal case. A Family Court judge will hear the evidence, then make a ruling. If your child is found guilty of committing the delinquent act, then a sentencing hearing is scheduled.
        These are stressful and frightening events for any family to go through. At Friedman & Ranzenhofer, our Rochester juvenile crime lawyers want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone. If your child is facing juvenile charges in Rochester, get experienced help from attorneys who know both sides of the courtroom. Call Friedman & Ranzenhofer for a legal confidential consultation. Let us help protect your child’s rights, and preserve their future. Follow us on Facebook

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        stars “Friedman & Ranzenhofer provided prompt, courteous and professional assistance regarding a current legal issue. We have used the services of this firm repeatedly because of their consistent high quality service levels.” – Ed Berowski

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