Rochester Divorce Attorney Explains Spousal Support
As a dedicated Rochester Divorce Attorney, I often speak to clients about what they need to know about spousal support and maintenance.
- New York law contains a formula specifically designed to determine spousal support. Essentially, that law is a calculator into which the parties’ incomes are entered, and a built-in calculation determines whether or not spousal support is warranted.
- Regarding long-term spousal, courts will consider the results obtained from that calculator and many other factors.
- As a general rule, if the two parties earn approximately the same amount, the chance that one will be ordered to pay spousal support to the other is greatly reduced.
- Spousal support is most often ordered when a large discrepancy exists between the incomes of husband and wife.
Do you want to learn more about spousal maintenance? Contact dedicated Rochester Divorce Attorney Michael Ranzenhofer for help.
This educational legal video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Rochester Divorce Attorney.