Monthly Archives: March 2014

Does The Judge Decide The Terms Of Our Divorce, Or Do We Negotiate Them?

A judge will only decide the terms of your divorce if you can’t negotiate them, and the truth is that both you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse will save a lot of time, money, and emotional energy if you can work together to negotiate agreement on financial matters, support, and child custody. Couples who can agree […]

In Rochester, Who Pays The Bills And Debts During The Divorce?

When you begin a divorce action in Rochester, it may help to consider yourself frozen in place for the short term. You’re still on the hook for all the usual payments you’d make – mortgage or rent, utilities, credit card payments, and so on. You and your spouse, along with your lawyers, will negotiate a […]

I Live In Rochester And Can’t Afford My Support Payments Anymore – What Will Happen?

It’s a fact of life that changes happen, and when you’re divorced and supporting your former spouse or your kids, events like losing a job or getting injured or sick become not only personal tragedies, but legal issues as well. If you’ve been meeting your support obligations but have experienced a sudden change in circumstance […]

What If You Can’t Locate Your Spouse To Serve Divorce Papers?

What If You Can't Locate Your Spouse To Serve Divorce Papers

If you’re ready to leave your marriage but can’t locate your spouse to serve the divorce papers, the court will require that you do a serious search of relevant databases to look for them. Our staff can help with the search and with documenting the search – a very important piece of the process that […]

If I Live In Rochester, Can I Take A Job Out Of State And Retain Custody?

It’s certainly possible to move out of state and retain custody, but to get the court to approve such an arrangement may take some savvy negotiating skills. Your former spouse presumably has an opinion on this matter, and the judge will want to hear it. If you can develop an agreement that gets your ex-spouse’s […]

What Happens If We Reconcile After We’ve Filed For Divorce In Rochester?

Congratulations! Divorces can be stopped at any point in the process, it just depends on how far along your case has gotten. First, notify your attorney, and have your spouse notify their attorney, that you’ve chosen to reconcile. Early on in a divorce, you may not need to do anything beyond that. If your attorneys […]

How Does Documented Domestic Violence Factor Into The Divorce?

A history of domestic violence in a relationship can factor into the divorce in several ways. First of all, you’ll have strong grounds to ask the court to remove your spouse from your marital residence when you file. Basically the only issue that gives New York judges the right to remove one party from their […]

What Is The Penalty For Menacing In The Third Degree In The Rochester Area?

Menacing in the Third Degree is a class B misdemeanor that may be charged in Rochester domestic violence cases. While this is the lowest level of criminal offense in the New York State legal system, a class B misdemeanor is still a crime and a conviction would lead to a permanent criminal record. A defendant […]