What Is The Penalty For Menacing In The Third Degree In The Rochester Area?

Menacing in the Third Degree is a class B misdemeanor that may be charged in Rochester domestic violence cases.

While this is the lowest level of criminal offense in the New York State legal system, a class B misdemeanor is still a crime and a conviction would lead to a permanent criminal record.

A defendant convicted of Menacing in the Third Degree faces a maximum possible jail term of 3 months.

It is also possible for the court to impose up to one year of supervision by the probation department.

If the jail sentence is 60 days or less, the court may impose a sentence of jail followed by probation. The court may also impose a fine of up to $500 in addition to – or in place of – any sentence of jail or probation supervision.

In domestic violence cases, it is also common for the court to issue an Order of Protection limiting the defendant’s contact with the victim.

Depending upon the relationship between the two individuals involved, whether they have reconciled, and any history of domestic disputes, the parameters of this Order of Protection may vary from simply barring the defendant from engaging in any further threatening conduct to requiring the defendant to have no contact with the victim and to stay completely away from locations where the victim is frequently found, such as home and work.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you if you have arrested in a domestic dispute.

Call us at 585-484-7432.

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