Category Archives: Child Custody

Can Parents Share Custody In New York?

Yes, couples are entitled to a great deal of flexibility with how they develop custody agreements in New York. Courts want to see custody and visitation plans that are practical, provide stability to the children involved, and which are logistically reasonable. Parents who both reside in a child’s school district, for instance, may be able […]

Can I Get Custody Even If My Spouse Earns All The Money?

Yes, you can get custody even if you aren’t currently in the workforce. The judge will evaluate a custody petition based on what’s in the best interest of your children. The judge will want to support a stable environment for your children, and if you’ve been a stay-at-home parent with primary caregiving responsibilities, you stand […]

Can I Have Both Legal Custody And Physical Custody Of My Children?

When couples with children divorce, the court considers two forms of child custody that have to be established. The parent who has Physical Custody of the children lives with the children full time and provides for their day-to-day care giving. The other parent may have visitation, and is often referred to as the “non-custodial parent.” […]

If I Live In Rochester, Can I Take A Job Out Of State And Retain Custody?

It’s certainly possible to move out of state and retain custody, but to get the court to approve such an arrangement may take some savvy negotiating skills. Your former spouse presumably has an opinion on this matter, and the judge will want to hear it. If you can develop an agreement that gets your ex-spouse’s […]