Category Archives: Child Custody

Spousal Issues with Custody and Child Support

Spousal Issues Rochester Family Law Attorney Divorce Lawyer

Getting used to your new custody and child support arrangements can be stressful. It can further overwhelm you if your spouse is not honoring these agreements. Here are two spousal issues that you may be facing. Spousal Issues | Your Spouse Not Paying Child Support People frequently come into our Rochester office with the complaint […]

Can I Move to Another State with My Children After Divorce?

Rochester Child Custody Attorney

Clients often come to see me and ask if they can relocate to another state with the children. I tell them that, in cases where the other parent has regular contact with the child, you need one of two things in order to be permitted to relocate with your child. First, the parent with whom the […]

Rochester Child Custody Lawyer on Legal Custody vs Residential Custody

Rochester Child Custody Lawyer

A lot of the people who come to see me as a dedicated Rochester Child Custody Lawyer, and ask questions about the difference between the concepts of legal custody and residential custody. Simply put, legal custody is concerned with who is responsible for making those important legal decisions that direct the child’s life such as where the […]

Rochester Child Custody Attorney Explains What You Should Know About Shared Residency

Rochester Child Custody Attorney

A lot of people come into see me as an experienced Rochester Child Custody Attorney, asking whether or not they can maintain a shared residency arrangement. I explain to that shared residency means there’s a fairly equal sharing in terms of where the children will live. For example, in one common shared residence arrangement, the children live […]

Rochester Child Custody Attorney Examines Your Ex Refusing You Access to the Children

Rochester Child Custody Attorney

Occasionally, a mom or dad comes to see me as a Rochester Child Custody Attorney, and says the other parent is not letting them visit with the child. In those circumstances, one thing that parent must do immediately is make application to the court. Just as a point of guidance, this must be done as soon as […]

What Do Judges In Rochester Consider In Child Custody Disputes?

The judge in your Rochester divorce or family court matter will be focusing on your child’s best interests in your custody dispute. To this end, the judge will consider factors like the relative bond each parent has with the child and which parent has been the primary caregiver. Each parent’s ability to promote a positive […]

Can I Get Custody Of My Kids In Our Divorce In Rochester Even If I Don’t Have A Job?

When judges are forced to decide custody in Rochester because the parents can’t, their job is rarely simple. The law and common sense both dictate that the judge look at the totality of factors that affect the child’s life, making a determination based on the best interests of the child. For many stay-at-home parents, this […]

What If We Can’t Agree On Child Custody In Our Divorce In Rochester?

In cases where parents can’t agree on a custody plan in Rochester, the judge will order a trial to determine legal and physical custody. An attorney will be appointed for your children, as will an expert like a social worker or therapist, who will interview the parties and may also talk to your children’s teachers, […]

What Do I Do If The Law Guardian Sides With My Spouse In Our Rochester Custody Dispute?

Children who are represented by a Law Guardian during a custody matter between their parents in Rochester essentially have a neutral advocate for their interests. While the Law Guardian may take the position that one parent will provide a more effective home environment, their opinion is just one factor that the judge will take into […]