Who Gets The Custody Of Our Family Dog In A Rochester Divorce?

Our pets have an increasingly powerful role in our lives, and even in families with children, they often hold a similar emotional place that the kids do.

In divorce, who gets the family dog or cat can be an extremely contentious matter, and one where judges in Rochester have little guidance.

In the law, pets are regarded as chattel, and their fair market value is the chief concern under statute, but in the real world, our relationship to our pets is far more than monetary, and their value can’t be matched in dollars.

When facing decisions like who gets the pets, you should try to work out an arrangement with your spouse that you both can live with.

The attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer understand the central role that our animal companions play in our lives, and can help be a productive negotiating team as you develop agreements on even the most sensitive matters.

Call us today at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation with experienced Rochester divorce attorneys.

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