Do I Have To Divide Property I Owned Prior To Marrying My Spouse?

No, the equitable distribution of marital assets only applies to property acquired during the marriage.

Homes, cars, jewelry, collections that have significant value, and other property that you brought into the marriage are considered separate assets and are not subject to distribution.

Some assets that you may acquire during the marriage are also considered separate property.

If you receive an inheritance from a relative, that will not be subject to division.

Nor will damage awards from legal cases, which are intended to compensate you for specific losses and are yours to keep.

Distribution of marital property is often a sticking point for couples, especially during a long marriage where ownership was always understood to be mutual.

The attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer can help you untangle your property knot and negotiate a settlement that meets all your needs.

Call us today at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation.

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