Do Rochester Judges Usually Give Custody To The Mother?

While the laws governing divorce and child custody matters in New York are gender neutral, courts care substantially about protecting the special bond that exists between children and their primary caregiver.

Because there are still disparities in workforce participation and earning power, men continue to play the majority of the role of breadwinner, while women are more likely to work fewer hours for lower pay and devote more time to child rearing.

Whether we reach a place where women have perfect parity or not, times are changing.

Judges in Rochester are specifically charged with considering the best interests of the child, and a strong petition arguing a valid case for paternal custody is one that can win.

When it comes to protecting your children, the attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer can help you.

Call us today at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation with a Rochester child custody expert.

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