How Will My Spouse Be Served With Divorce Papers Once I File In Rochester?

The best way to serve your spouse with divorce papers in Rochester is through the use of a process server. Process servers are trained individuals whose job it is to notify people of pending legal action against them, and upon completion of the task, they provide what is known as an affidavit of service, proving to the court that the papers were properly delivered to the correct individual, in a lawful manner.

Process servers are not required by law, but they are the best option when filing for divorce in Rochester. Use of process servers means that friends, relatives, and other personal connections don’t have to get in the middle of the divorce or take sides. In addition, the court knows it can trust the process server’s affidavit of service.

What you cannot do when you file for divorce in Rochester is serve your spouse yourself. The attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer can help ensure that your divorce summons is properly filed and properly served to your spouse. Call us at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation today.

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