What Is “Irretrievable Breakdown” In Rochester Divorce?

Until very recently, to get a divorce in New York, spouses were required to show cause, such as adultery, abuse, abandonment, and so forth.

This requirement led to widespread fraud in divorce actions, as well as needlessly contentious litigation between the parties who had been forced to build cases against one another.

In 2010, New York added a no-fault ground to divorce law, called “irretrievable breakdown.”

This reform was intended to lower the temperature on divorce actions, allowing couples to more easily, and less angrily, divorce one another.

No-fault divorces still require agreement on issues like finances, division of assets, and support, but the process is much more sane and much less contentious than it used to be.

The attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer can help you get a divorce in Rochester. Call us today at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation.

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