Rochester Lawyers / Rochester Divorce Attorney Explains How to Respond to Divorce Papers

Rochester Divorce Attorney Explains How to Respond to Divorce Papers

As a dedicated Rochester Divorce Attorney, I am often called and asked what someone should do if they were served with divorce papers.
  • In the state of New York, the rule states that a party who has been served personally – meaning that the summons has been handed to him or her – has 20 days in which to respond.
  • Certain circumstances may allow 30 days but, when one has been handed a summons, that person usually has 20 days to respond.
  • Once a summons is served, it’s very important to contact us as soon as possible because failure to respond within 20 days can result in severe disadvantage.
Were you served with divorce papers?  Contact dedicated Rochester Divorce Attorney Michael Ranzenhofer for legal guidance. This educational legal video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Rochester Divorce Attorney.