Who Gets To Stay In The House?

The disposition of the marital residence is a matter that has to be negotiated between the parties.

We often see cases where the divorcing couple agrees to protect their children from the stresses of divorce by allowing the custodial parent to retain the home, keeping the kids in the schools they know and close to their friends.

In other cases, the couple decides to sell the home and split the windfall, though that option is less certain in today’s housing market.

If you want to stay in the home, we will ask the court to approve temporary orders that keep you there.

In the final matter, we’ll make sure that the terms of your occupancy and ownership are assured.

If you prefer to move away and take a financial benefit from the sale of your home, we can design that too.

Call the attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer today at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation.

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