Daily Archives: October 24, 2014

My Spouse Is An Alcoholic. How Can I Prove They’re Unfit For Custody In A Rochester Divorce?

A history of substance abuse, whether alcohol, drugs, or prescription drugs, is something that judges consider very closely when reviewing custody petitions. Most problem drinkers will have indicators in their financial records of purchases at liquor stores, meals in restaurants and bars that cost far more than food alone, or even a history of seeking […]

Can My Spouse Be Compelled To Turn Over Financial Records In Our Rochester Divorce?

Yes, you and your spouse will be required to turn over a statement of net worth and any other relevant financial disclosures during the discovery phase of your divorce. If additional records are needed, such as if you believe your spouse is hiding cash or assets, the court can compel your spouse to provide additional […]

How Are Our Two Incomes Used To Determine Child Support In Rochester?

Child support calculations are fairly complex, but as a general proposition, the court will look at the couple’s combined income and the number of children they share, then determine a percentage of the combined income to provide for the needs of the children. The non-custodial parent will then be ordered to pay an amount proportional […]

How Can I Prove I Haven’t Abused Our Child When My Spouse Is Lying To Get Custody In Rochester?

Custody matters that include allegations of abuse are extremely difficult for the parent being accused, but unfortunately this scenario is all too common. In cases where abuse is alleged, it’s important that the parent rebut allegations with factual, clear responses. For instance, if your child once fell while playing and was taken to the emergency […]