How Can I Prove I Haven’t Abused Our Child When My Spouse Is Lying To Get Custody In Rochester?

Custody matters that include allegations of abuse are extremely difficult for the parent being accused, but unfortunately this scenario is all too common.

In cases where abuse is alleged, it’s important that the parent rebut allegations with factual, clear responses.

For instance, if your child once fell while playing and was taken to the emergency room, your spouse may allege that you were responsible for the injury.

In this case, medical records and witness statements can be provided to show that your spouse is not telling the truth.

When one spouse in a divorce or custody battle uses a pattern of deception with the court, the behavior undermines their own position.

The attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer know how to counter false information with real information, and show the court that your spouse is being dishonest in their statements.

Call us today at 585-484-7432 and talk to a Rochester divorce lawyer for free.

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