Is It Better To File On “Irretrievable Breakdown” Grounds?

Irretrievable Breakdown is New York’s version of no-fault divorce.

It is often the simplest and most cost-effective way to attain a divorce, and it doesn’t require your spouse’s approval.

To get a divorce in Rochester on Irretrievable Breakdown grounds, you simply attest under oath that your marriage has broken down irretrievably and that this has been the situation for a period of at least six months.

The court still requires an agreement that produces an equitable distribution of marital property, agreement on spousal and child support, custody issues, and all the other elements of a divorce, but under Irretrievable Breakdown, you can attain a divorce without proving fault and without your spouse’s consent.

Divorcing in Rochester? We can help. Call the Rochester divorce attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer at 585-484-7432.

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