Category Archives: Assault

What Is The Penalty For Menacing In The Third Degree In The Rochester Area?

Menacing in the Third Degree is a class B misdemeanor that may be charged in Rochester domestic violence cases. While this is the lowest level of criminal offense in the New York State legal system, a class B misdemeanor is still a crime and a conviction would lead to a permanent criminal record. A defendant […]

Criminal Lawyer For Menacing In The Third Degree In The Rochester NY Area

</h2 style=”margin-top:-5px;”>Criminal Defense Firm Friedman & Ranzenhofer Attorneys At Law Provide Information Regarding Menacing In The Third Degree. Menacing in the Third Degree is a criminal offense that is frequently charged in Rochester domestic violence arrests. It is the lowest level of Menacing charge under New York State law. The offense of Menacing in the […]

What Are The Penalties In The Rochester Area For Assault In The Second Degree?

In New York State, Assault in the Second Degree is a class D violent felony. This means that a Rochester resident convicted of this charge would have a permanent criminal record. As a class D violent felony, this offense may result in a sentence of between two and seven years of incarceration in a state […]

Criminal Attorney For An Arrest On Assault In The Second Degree In The Rochester, New York Area

Details On Assault In The Second Degree Assault in the Second Degree is a serious criminal charge that covers more than a dozen different violent or dangerous acts. In our experience as Rochester criminal defense attorneys, the following are the most common circumstances under which this crime is charged. When a person intends to cause […]

What Are The Penalties For Assault In The Third Degree In The Rochester, NY Area?

A Rochester resident facing a charge of Assault in the Third Degree is in danger of being convicted of a class A misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are crimes in New York State, and a conviction results in a criminal record. The punishment for a class A misdemeanor includes up to one year in jail, a fine of […]

Criminal Defense Lawyer For An Assault In The Third Degree Charge In The Rochester, NY Area

Assault In The Third Degree Arrest Needs Professional Defense Lawyers If you tell a Rochester criminal lawyer that you have been charged with an assault, they will want to know what “degree” of assault you are talking about. There are several different criminal offenses classified as “assaults” in New York. Assault in the Third Degree […]