Category Archives: Divorce

What Can I Do If I Can’t Get The Mortgage Refinanced Into My Own Name During My Divorce In Rochester?

Dealing with the status of a home is one of the most complex, and emotionally charged, elements of a divorce. For most couples, their home is their most valuable asset, and when one spouse wishes to retain the home, the financial obligation can easily outstrip all other elements in a settlement. When you can’t get […]

How Long Do I Have To Be Married To Qualify For Social Security Spousal Benefits After A Divorce In Rochester?

Spouses are generally eligible to receive Social Security benefits post-divorce if the marriage lasted more than 10 years. Other eligibility requirements must be met before you can receive benefits, including being at least 62 years of age, being unmarried, and that the benefits you would receive from your own work history are less than what […]

Will I Still Have Health Insurance On My Spouse’s Plan After I File For Divorce In Rochester?

Yes, if you are currently covered by your spouse’s health insurance plan, you will continue to be covered for the duration of the divorce. Upon filing, the judge will issue automatic orders that maintain health and life insurance policies, cash and assets, and otherwise lock both parties into the financial situation that the marriage was […]

What Will I Get In My Rochester Divorce If My Spouse Cheated On Me For Years?

While divorce in Rochester isn’t intended to be a venue to punish a cheating spouse, you can rest assured that when you work with the experienced team at Friedman & Ranzenhofer, you’ll recoup any financial losses the marriage suffered as a result of adultery. For instance, gifts your spouse provided to a lover are considered […]

Can I Change An Existing Family Court Order Through The Divorce Process In Rochester?

Yes, where an existing Family Court order is in effect, Rochester residents can seek to modify it in their divorces under certain circumstances. Where no new information exists, your judge will likely let the matter stand as is and incorporate the order into the divorce settlement. In cases where things have changed that might affect […]

Can’t We Just Download The Forms We Need And File For Divorce In Rochester Without A Lawyer At All?

You have the right to handle your divorce yourself, without an attorney representing you, and there are cases where that works out. If you and your spouse don’t have a lot of assets or any children to work out custody and support arrangements for, divorce may simply be a matter of filing certain forms with […]

Does A Temporary Maintenance Award Mean I Can Count On A Permanent Alimony Award In My Rochester Divorce?

When a divorce begins, judges take great care to ensure that, to the largest extent possible, both parties are financially secure. Awards of temporary maintenance to a lower-earning spouse are fairly routine and based on short term considerations, but spousal support (alimony) awards post-divorce are a more considered matter. Because a divorce can take many […]

My Spouse Is Refusing To Agree To Alimony As Part Of Our Divorce In Rochester, But I Only Work Part Time. Can You Help?

Yes, when spouses have different income levels during a marriage, judges in Rochester understand that the lower-earning spouse often requires an adjustment period during which the higher-earning spouse continues to provide financial support in the form of spousal maintenance, or alimony. This may simply be a fairly short duration for finding full time employment, or […]