What Is The Penalty For Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) In The Rochester Area?

For a first time offender, a conviction for Driving While Intoxicated is an unclassified misdemeanor, which means it is considered a crime in New York State. This criminal offense carries serious penalties for Rochester drivers.

The maximum possible jail sentence for a first time DWI per se offender is 1 year, and the sentence must include a fine of between $500 and $1,000. Aside from the actual fine, there is also a $400 surcharge, and New York requires payment of a $750 “Driver Responsibility Assessment” to the Department of Motor Vehicles payable over three years. There are also several other fees that may amount to hundreds of additional dollars.

Your driver’s license will also be revoked for at least six months, meaning you cannot legally drive. While most first time offenders can obtain a conditional license to drive to work or school, there are additional expenses involved in obtaining this license.

For second time offenders, the charge may be raised to a felony with even greater penalties.

Obviously, if you have been arrested for DWI you need an experienced criminal lawyer to help you. We can answer your questions at 585-484-7432.

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