Can A Spouse With A Domestic Violence Conviction Ever Get Custody Of Their Children In A Rochester Divorce?

Any criminal conviction, even a misdemeanor, will work against you in a custody fight in Rochester, but when the conviction relates to violence in the home, it’s a larger hurdle to overcome.

However, there are a number of scenarios where a past criminal conviction may not matter as much as you think.

If the conviction is very old and you’ve had no further incidents with the criminal justice system, then based on the particulars of your case, and the parental fitness of your spouse, you may have a better shot than you realize.

The most important thing is to work with attorneys who can build the right kind of case, and properly prepare you for interviews and testimony that will get to the heart of why you should be the custodial parent to your children, as opposed to your spouse.

The biggest consideration in custody matters is what arrangement is in the best interest of your children, and the attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer can help show that you are the better provider, caregiver, nurturer, and role model for your kids.

Call us today at 585-484-7432 for a legal consultation with a Rochester divorce and child custody attorney.

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