In Rochester, Do I Have To Keep My Spouse On My Health Insurance If They File For Divorce?

It’s a terrible feeling to be served with divorce papers. Maybe you knew the marriage was in trouble, but had no idea your spouse had actually sat down with a divorce lawyer.

Many of our clients feel an understandable desire to respond by canceling the things they pay for their spouse to have, like a health insurance plan from work.

Don’t do it. The court requires parties to a divorce to leave unchanged things like health and dental insurance plans for spouses and dependent children, as well as financial and retirement accounts. Don’t plan to go max out the credit cards either.

The judge will not be your friend if you appear to retaliate against your spouse.

If you’ve been served with divorce papers in Rochester, call the divorce attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer right away at 585-484-7432.

You’ll have a lot of decisions to make in a short period of time, and we can guide you while we fight for you.

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