Landlords are suffering like a lot of business. Sheila Fields spoke about her tribulations this past year regarding tenants refusing to pay the rent, despite being employed through the pandemic. Robert Friedman has since spoke about the legislation that affects Sheila Fields and others like her unsure what they can do with courts being suspended and evictions being near impossible.
Friedman is looking to the legislation that is pending in Albany that may soon be passed. This would allow the funds that have not been spent from a federal program to be used to help landlords through pandemic related struggles. There is said to be $60 million from the beginning amount of $100 million from the funds that are left over according to the Real Deal publication.
If this legislation were to pass, it would give a year of rent and utility as well as three months of any costs that are reasonable expected for renters who are eligible. This eligibility will likely be income based and be available to those who are experiencing hardships such as unemployment, a loss or reduction in income, and other financial hardships that are related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Possible solutions for landlords who are facing issues where someone is not paying their rent and should be, then they can, according to Friedman, sue for that rent as soon as courts are open.