How will adultery allegations impact the divorce?

Adultery means less in divorce than it once did. Nationwide, and in New York, the movement in matrimonial law over the last few decades has been to make the divorce process less adversarial, less fault-driven, and more fair and predictable.

The days of a spouse’s adultery causing financial ruin for them in divorce court are gone, and today, it’s much more common to get a no-fault divorce with a negotiated settlement that adultery doesn’t really factor into.

It may feel less satisfying that the court isn’t eager to validate your justified anger over your spouse’s indiscretions, but the fact is that it’s cheaper, simpler, and smarter to walk away with your head held high and a generous settlement negotiated by the attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer.

We know how to negotiate with cheating spouses to get the maximum settlement for you.

Call us today at 585-484-7432 and talk to a Rochester divorce lawyer for free.

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